Let’s Face It WE WORLD,
You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!

  1. What should I wear to Church on Sunday?

    As the old saying goes, “Come as you are!” We want you to be comfortable and focused on experiencing God. Whatever helps you achieve that goal is great with us. God loves you, not the clothes you wear! You will find many in comfortable wear like a simple T-Shirt and jeans, and some may come in their “Sundays Best.” We care about your growing relationship with God, not about how dressed you are!

  2. Do I need to be studied up on the Bible before coming?

    NO! In fact, we are intentional about making the experience from beginning to end to reach the churched but, more importantly, the unchurched. This is your time to become intimate with God and hear his voice. He knows you and your life, he just wanted to get closer.

  3. How do I get connected?

    JUST SHOW UP! We do not have any requirements for Membership to attend our community event. You see, WE Church is built on community, and being connected is our DNA. Our calendar is up to date. Click here to check it out! Oh, and if you are ready to ‘be like’ real connected by becoming a member, WE got you covered. WE Called those WE Partners; Click here to get in because WE READY!

  4. What time are your services?

    Service starts at 5 PM on either the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month. Check out the calendar for specific dates and locations.

  5. Who is the Pastor?

    We got you covered; click here to check out our “About Our Pastors” page!

  6. What about my kids?

    WE Love The Kidz. Our Kidz ministry offers Childre’s Church during our worship services. Even though we don’t encourage drop and roll, we have simplified the process to save you time on checking in and registering your kids. Click here to get started.

  7. Are you going to ask me for my money?

    WE know that many have experienced church where Giving is the highest priority. At WE Church, we lay out the mission that God has called us to do: Receive the Broken and Release The Whole. In there, several costs come into play for the basics like Rent, Lights, Equipment, Insurance, you get the point, so Tithes and Offering Support. As first-time visitors, we don’t expect you to give, but you should move according to your heart and spirit. For our regular attendees, we do provide an opportunity to give to support the mission.

  8. I’ve got questions about what I heard during the service. Who can I talk to?

    We’d love to talk to you! After service, feel free to approach any leader in a WE Church shirt or Pastor! Typically they greet people on the way in and out of service, either by the stage or in the lobby. During the week, if you would like to schedule a time to talk with a leader, you can fill out our online form by clicking here or email us at info@wechurchhouston.com to schedule a meeting.

  9. If I visit, will you embarrass me as a first-timer?

    Nope! BUT we will ask you to stand up to greet you and show you some WE Love!